We strongly advise Pet Health Insurance to provide the best possible care for your pet.
Due to the high number of missed appointments we have experienced at the practice over the last 6 months, we have now introduced a Missed Appointment Policy.
We offer overnight care for your pet with continual attention from the vet / nursing team.
General information about prescription medication and health checks for your pet.
Valley Vets are happy to see second opinions from other veterinary practices regarding your pet.
Should you have any concerns at all, please speak to the senior staff member.
Our clinical team have taken the decision not to help promote the future breeding of any brachycephalic dog - dogs with flattened faces / short muzzles such as the French bulldog, pug and English bulldog.
Valley Vets recognise that all businesses have an impact on the environment in a variety of diffe
Valley Vets Brucella Policy- Autumn 2023
The UK has recently seen an increase in the number of dogs becoming unwell with Brucella canis. There are many species of Brucella which affect many different animal species, including people.
Brucella canis is still rare in the UK, and is usually seen only in imported dogs, or dogs that have travelled.
Before welcoming a new pet, it's important to consider how you'll manage the expenses that come w
Did you know that there are a variety of ways in which you can pay for goods or services you rece