Ozzie attended our Caerphilly surgery with a really sore left eye. When checked out by our vet Gordon, he found Ozzie had a large grass seed stuck in his eye which was rubbing and causing infection.
A member of the public visited us recently with a grass snake. He has a nest of Grass snakes in his garden, and he noticed that one of them had managed to get itself stuck in some pond netting!
Meet Maddie, a lovely four year old cross breed dog who recently injured her dew claw.
This is Casper, an 8 year old bunny owned by Claire from our Cardiff Hospital. Claire has owned Casper his whole life and he's even travelled to Ireland to live for two years.
This handsome chap is Ollie Bear. Ollie belongs to Rob Harry, one of our Vets at our Cardiff Hospital.
Rob has had Ollie Bear for 14 years. As a kitten he was involved in an accident and was brought in to Rob as a stray. He had broken both his back legs, his pelvis and had a paralysed tail.
This is Henrietta. She was attacked by a fox recently and hid away from her owner after the attack.
Ernie's mum brought him in as an emergency appointment to our Cardiff Hospital recently after a very serious accident whilst out on his walk. Ernie had fallen into the River Taff, which after all the heavy rain recently was very fast flowing with strong currents.
Betty and her brother Bruce first came to visit us in September and we discovered they had demodex mites. They started a long course of special anti-mite shampoo called Aludex and were bathed once a week.
Unfortunately many pets have dental disease that goes unnoticed as they are very good at hiding signs of discomfort and pain.
Marley was treated recently by Rob suffering from a deep seating infection in his inner ear. The infection was so severe, that it had spread into his meninges (brain covering) and was affecting the nerve supply to his tongue.
Meet Rosie....
She went missing for 3 days and came home with a sore back leg. Our X-rays showed 2 fractures of her tibia in her lower leg.
This is Eddie, a 10 year old Dachshund that had eaten his owners medication. (Baclofen - which is treatment for MS, it is a muscle relaxant).
Elvis is a young and mischievous cat who recently wandered off from his home in the dark and we suspect, had a nasty run in with a car.
Meet Petal, a seven year old red footed tortoise from the tropical areas of South America.
When Theo was a kitten, he was found on a rubbish tip. He was tied up in a rubbish bag and was discovered because the bag was seen moving amongst the waste.
(Article contains scenes of open wound). Cooper was seen by the vets at Valley Vets after his owners noticed an injury to his tail and left back leg.
(Article contains scenes of surgery) When Grant’s owner felt a lump in his belly they knew something was not right.
(Article contains scenes of surgery). Donald is the main man when it comes to protecting his lady birds against a dog.
(Article contains scenes of surgery) Izzy the Bearded dragon used to eat 34 to 40 crickets per day but was now barely eating 2 to 3.
(Article contains scenes of surgery) When Holly, a 3 year old Cornsnake had difficulty laying eggs her owners knew something wasn’t right.