15 things you need to see a rabbit savvy vet about NOW...

- Not moving around / sitting hunched up
- Change of food preference or loss of appetite
- Smaller, fewer or no poos
- Broken bones / legs
- Collapse
- Mouth breathing
- Runny eyes/ nose/coughing/sneezing/ wheezing
- Flystrike
- Blood in urine
- Dribbling / wet fur around mouth
- Haemorrhage
- Fitting
- Screaming
- Diarrhoea
- Significant wounds
Not moving / sitting hunched up
Rabbits are prey animals and as such designed to hide any signs of illness or pain. We need to be aware of any changes of behaviour in our rabbits and act quickly. Reluctance to move, or sitting hunched up are signs that something is wrong and should be taken seriously.
Change of food preference, or loss of appetite
If your rabbit suddenly stops eating foods that they would normally love, or even worse stops eating altogether then there could be several causes, possibly a dental problem that will need prompt intervention by a vet. Most common is that they go off 'hard' foods like carrot, and prefer soft food like fruit and also stop eating hay.Your rabbit will be in pain and will be suffering from gut slowdown. Your vet needs to assess the cause and to give appropriate medication to get the gut moving. This must be done quickly. Your rabbit should see a vet within the shortest possible time. 'Tomorrow' will be too late. Don't give gut motility drugs, even if you have some at home. If there's a blockage, you will cause a rupture which will kill your rabbit. The vet will know what it's safe to give.
Smaller poo, fewer or no poo
Poo is a brilliant indicator of your rabbits' health! Nice big round poos indicate that the rabbit is eating well, eating lots of hay or grass and that the gut is working properly. Rabbits do between 300 and 500 poos a day! If you see the poos getting smaller or fewer, or even more worrying none at all you need to see a rabbit savvy vet immediately
Broken bone/leg
Unless this receives immediate treatment, particularly pain relief, your rabbit will suffer the added complication of gut slowdown. Some may even die from shock. A fractured spine is also possible: such rabbits will have reduced or no mobility of the back legs.
Often collapsed rabbits will be very hot or very cold, depending on the cause. In case there is spinal damage, lift your rabbit very carefully into a carrier and use straw or blankets to help keep it steady while you travel. If you suspect heatstroke, put an icepod on the OUTSIDE of the carrier. Don't try to get the temperature to drop too quickly. Likewise if the rabbit is very cold, put a heat pad on the OUTSIDE of the carrier to help raise the temperature gently.
Mouth breathing
Rabbits are nose breathers. If they are mouth breathing there is severe distress and your rabbit must see a vet at once.
Runny eyes, runny nose, coughing, sneezing or wheezing
This covers a multitude of possible health problems, all serious and all needing vet treatment straight away
This is ALWAYS an emergency. Don't delay a second. If maggots can be seen, a vet needs to see your rabbit NOW. DON'T wet the fur. The vet will need to clip and can't clip wet fur. And you haven't time anyway. Those maggots will be eating your rabbit.
Blood in urine
Usually blood in urine will be in spots. Don't be panicked by red urine if your rabbit seems fine otherwise. It can be stained by what they have eaten. If there is any sign of straining while attempting to urinate, and especially with blood or spots of blood visible in urine, immediate treatment is essential.
Dribbling / wet fur around the mouth
This is often a sign that the teeth have overgrown and are cutting the tongue. This will cause ulcers and is very painful, and your rabbit will not be able to eat. You must see a vet without delay.
If this is from a wound, apply firm pressure to the area and get to a vet. If it's from an orifice you cannot apply pressure, but nevertheless, it's an emergency and a vet is needed at once.
If your rabbit fits for a long time, its body temperature can rise and that is very dangerous. You should make sure your rabbit cannot hurt itself on anything hard or sharp, and phone your vet immediately. If you need to take it to the vet then pad out the carrier with rolled towels to keep your rabbit steady. You should always stay as calm and quiet as you can on the surface to avoid further stress, even though you may well be panicking inside.
We hope you never hear this from a rabbit. If you do, there is a reason. Examine your rabbit fully and you will usually find a wound or else evidence of an internal and very painful problem that needs immediate veterinary treatment.
Severe Diarrhoea
If your rabbit is producing watery or jelly-like faeces, and is hunched up, looking miserable, veterinary help is needed at once. This is especially important with younger rabbits, particularly those that have recently been weaned. If the rabbit is alert but has diarrhoea, it's possible to wait until the next normal surgery hours, provided this is within 12 hours and the diarrhoea is mild (ie soft rather than watery faeces).
Significant Wounds
The severity varies, but remove any visible hay etc from the vicinity of the wound and go straight to the vet for cleaning and probable stitching as well as pain control.
Your rabbit will be in pain and will be suffering from gut slowdown. Your vet needs to assess the cause and to give appropriate medication to get the gut moving. This must be done quickly. Your rabbit should see a vet within the shortest possible time. 'Tomorrow' will be too late. Don't give gut motility drugs, even if you have some at home. If there's a blockage, you will cause a rupture which will kill your rabbit. The vet will know what it's safe to give.
You can find out more information on the RWAF website at www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk.