Donald Duck's Duck Tale

(Please note this article contains scenes of surgery)
Donald is the main man when it comes to protecting his lady birds. So when the family dog decided he was going to push the boundaries and wonder into the duck pen, Donald did not goose around in defending his territory. Unfortunately, Donald came off worse!
When his owners brought Donald to see Sophie, his vet, they were very concerned about the large deep wound near his right leg around his quad muscles.
They had reason to be worried – just look at the size of the wound compared to his leg!
Sophie did not flap about worrying and reassured them that although it looked very bad, there was something that could be done.
Donald was admitted into Valley Vets hospital. He was initially given fluids and pain relief before going under anaesthetic and into surgery. The first step was to remove the feathers from around before flushing the debris and infection away.
Sterile drapes were placed and Sophie began the careful task of removing any dead skin.
Antibiotics were placed into the wound a drain was added to help remove any remaining fluid over the next few days. The wound was then closed in several layers.
Donald made a very quick recovery and was discharged later that day with continuation of pain relief and antibiotics. Donald had strict instructions to take it easy, not to chase the ladies and was not allowed in his pond until the wound had healed.
At his post operative checks, Sophie was thrilled to see that Donald’s wound had not only held together but had healed so well, the scar was barely visible.
Donald was soon back in his pond with his girls. Donald has a mutual agreement with the family dog to stay away from each other!
Valley Vets thanks Donald and his family for sharing his “quacking” story.